Kho Gaye Hum Kahan actor Siddhant Chaturvedi is rumoured to be dating Amitabh Bachchan’s granddaughter, Shweta Bachchan Nanda‘s daughter Navya Naveli Nanda. The two of them have been spotted together on multiple occasions, sometimes while leaving in the same car or other times, arriving together at the airport. Amid their dating rumours, Siddhant Chaturvedi has now commented on why he keeps his personal life private.
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Siddhant Chaturvedi reacts to the paparazzi culture in the country
The actor who is winning hearts alongside Ananya Panday and Adarsh Gourav in Kho Gaye Hum Kahan says that he does not get tapped too much. He shares that right now, he will be getting popped because of the promotions of his movie Kho Gaye Hum Kahan. The actor says getting popped with his friends is fun because it is fun for them. The actor talked about Shah Rukh Khan inviting him to a house party which was like an entourage feeling for him. Siddhanth also shared that he is very comfortable around paparazzi. Siddhanth shares that he talks to them as their job is very difficult. He adds that after calling the paparazzi, you cannot be like who called them. He finds that very weird. That’s why he prefers to give them pictures as anyway, it is rare that he is spotted.
Siddhant Chaturvedi talks about keeping dating life private
Siddhant Chaturvedi also talked about his dating life and relationships. The Gull Boy actor shares that it is not something for the world to see. It is just for him. Also, he believes in what his mom says, which is, “Jisko aap bohut pyaar karate ho, chupake rakhna chahiye. Nazar lag jaati hai.” Isn’t that cute?
Watch this video of Siddhant Chaturvedi here:
Siddhanth Chaturvedi and Navya Naveli Nanda’s interaction on Instagram was how their dating rumours started floating around. However, during a chat show appearance, when he was asked about a rumour that he wished could be true, Siddhant had talked about the dating rumour that has grabbed attention is something he wished was true.
Siddhant has worked in Inside Edge, Gully Boy, Bunty Aur Babli 2, Gehraiyaan and Phone Bhoot. He is basking in the success of Kho Gaye Hum Kahan.
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