Pushpa 2: The Rule released on December 5. However, the stampede at Sandhya theatre during its premiere brought a lot of trouble for Allu Arjun. The actor visited the theatre to catch the premiere and the crowd went out of control. A woman died in stampede and her 8-year-old son got severely injured. Since a month, the boy named Sri Tej has been in the hospital. A case got filed against Allu Arjun and he also suffered an arrest. Though his father, Allu Aravind visited the hospital to get a regular update on child’s condition, it is now that the actor paid a visit.
Today, videos of Allu Arjun making way to KIMS hospital in Hyderabad surfaced on the internet. He was accompanied by Telangana State Film Development Corporation Chairman Dil Raju. The actor did not take his personal bouncers along and rather was accompanied by a few staff members. As per reports, Allu Arjun spoke to the doctors to get an update about the progress in child’s health. He is also said to have spoken to Sri Tej’s father and assured him full support. Allu Arjun was in the hospital for around 30 minutes talking to doctors and family, say reports in entertainment news sites.
Watch video of Allu Arjun exiting the hospital below:
#WATCH | Hyderabad, Telangana: Actor Allu Arjun leaves from KIMS hospital, Begumpet after visiting Sri Teja who was injured in the Sandhya theatre incident. pic.twitter.com/P83efBBES0
— ANI (@ANI) January 7, 2025
It was just yesterday that reports of Allu Arjun receiving a fresh notice from Ramgopalpet Police Station went viral. In the notice, the actor was reportedly asked to keep his visit to the hospital to meet the child ‘confidential’ in order to maintain law and order. A part of the notice reportedly read, “We request you to keep the visit confidential so that public order can be maintained in and around the hospital. Ramgopalpet Police will escort you throughout the trip and ensure that peace is maintained.” On January 3, Allu Arjun was granted conditional bail by Metropolitan Criminal Court at Nampally, Hyderabad. It was only after the bail was granted that Allu Arjun was advised to visit the child in the hospital.
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