Alia Bhatt is all set to turn into the action queen of YRF after Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif. The Jigra actress has signed the spy universe film of YRF and now the CEO of the production company has confined the news by calling it the worst kept secret in the industry. In his appearance at FICCI Frames Widhani revealed Alia Bhatt is headlining a spy universe. “I will share the worst-kept secret in the industry, which is Alia Bhatt is headlining a spy universe film and that the schedule starts later this year. We are actually just so thrilled and excited about having this IP in the studio”.
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Adding further he said, “There’s a lot of stuff that’s going to come into the spy universe. We are going to see more and more films getting made under it. For now, I can just say that Alia Bhatt is headlining a spy universe film,”
Alia Bhatt‘s spy film is reportedly going to cross paths with Pathaan and War and these interesting twists in the upcoming film will leave the audience at the edge of their seat. Along with Alia Bhatt, Sarvari Wagh too will be seen playing a significant role in the film. And indeed Aditya Chopra’s vision for YRF Spy universe is proving right as all the films are being loved and applauded at the box office. Pathaan has earned more than Rs 1000 crore at the box office and it is one of the biggest hits of the YRF spy universe.
Reports also claim that Aditya will soon start working on Tiger vs Pathaan where Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan will cross paths in the film and it will be one of the biggest crossovers.
Watch the video of Alia Bhatt
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