Bollywood actor Ali Fazal has stirred excitement among his fans by teasing his involvement in the upcoming music video ‘Aaj Bhi 2′. Following the massive success of the original track ‘Aaj Bhi’, performed by singer-composer Vishal Mishra, Ali Fazal is set to return with the much-anticipated second chapter of the beloved album.

Ali Fazal and Vishal Mishra set to reunite for music video 'Aaj Bhi 2'Ali Fazal and Vishal Mishra set to reunite for music video 'Aaj Bhi 2'

Ali Fazal and Vishal Mishra set to reunite for music video ‘Aaj Bhi 2’

Aaj Bhi’, the soulful and emotionally charged ballad, continues to resonate with listeners long after its release, and the music video featuring Ali remains a fan favourite. The overwhelming love for the song and the video inspired Ali Fazal and Vishal Mishra to reunite for ‘Aaj Bhi 2′, promising another heart-touching collaboration.

Ali Fazal recently hinted at this exciting news in a social media post, where he teased fans about his involvement in Aaj Bhi 2. The actor shared, “The first chapter of ‘Aaj Bhi‘ holds a special place in my heart, and seeing how deeply people connected with it was truly overwhelming. I can’t wait for everyone to experience the next chapter of this beautiful journey. The first song people instantly connected with, the song on YouTube alone has over 15 crore views, which is quite something. There’s a huge space for romantic songs in India, and this sequel to the original song places right into that space”.

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