At the IIFA 2024 press conference held today, Shah Rukh Khan and Karan Johar shared the stage, providing a delightful moment for fans as SRK humorously teased Karan. During the event, Gully Boy star Siddhant Chaturvedi introduced and praised Karan Johar for his versatility in hosting everything from chat shows to award ceremonies, mentioning how effortlessly he manages these events. Well, later King Khan used the same thing to taunt Karan in the best way possible.
When Shah Rukh Khan took the stage alongside Karan Johar, he playfully pulled Karan’s leg, adding a touch of humour to the formal setting. The Kuch Kuch Hota Hai star hoped that he and Karan entertained the audience in the best way possible. SRK said, “After so many years trying to come back, I hope we can present well. Keep people entertained and keep it very short, crisp, and fast. Please come for the rehearsals, Karan.”
In response, Karan Johar jokingly requested SRK to rehearse for him, suggesting they discuss it in private. However, SRK wasn’t done with his friendly banter. He continued, “So Karan has told me the rehearsal for hosting he’s going to do on Zoom. ‘Main Zoom pe kar lunga, main jaldi kar lunga. Main toh itna hosting karta hoon’. Abhi yeh bol rahe the na Siddhant ke chat show host karta hai, film show bhi host karta hai… picturen bhi toh bana mere bhai tu. Kitna host karega.” Karan said he will be joining for rehearsals on Zoom and said how he’s good at hosting. Siddhant was saying how he hosts chat shows as well as award shows. Make some movies also, my brother. How much will you host?)
To SRK’s fun jibe, KJo responded, “Yeh main wahi soch raha tha. Jab Siddhant bol raha tha (I was thinking about what Siddhant said). This is sounding wrong on all levels for a filmmaker. I should be making more movies.”
Watch a video on Karan Johar’s Koffee With Karan
The light-hearted exchange between the two close friends made the IIFA press conference memorable, with the audience enjoying every bit of their playful camaraderie. This is just the trailer. We can’t wait to see what SRK and Karan have to offer as hosts for the IIFA 2024.
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