Bigg Boss 17 is inching closer to its grand finale which take place on January 28, 2024. The show has its top five finalists including Munawar Faruqui, Mannara Chopra, Abhishek Kumar, Ankita Lokhande, and Arun Mahashetty. The grand finale night will be a star-studded affair as many Bollywood and television stars will entertain the audience and take the notch higher. The picture of the Bigg Boss 17 trophy went viral on social media and netizens called it the worst-looking trophy in the history of Bigg Boss. BollywoodLife brings to you all the latest entertainment news updates. Join us on WhatsApp conducted a poll on their Twitter handle asking fans who they think will bag Bigg Boss 17 trophy. The voting trends have been quite different at every time. Time will tell who will take the trophy home when Salman Khan makes the winner announcement in the grand finale.
As per poll results, Munawar Faruqui will be winning the Bigg Boss 17 trophy with 67.5%. The first runner-up would be Mannara Chopra with 18.8%. The second and third runner-up would be Ankita Lokhande with 7.2% and Abhishek Kumar with 6.5%.
Have a look at the Bigg Boss 17 winner poll result
According to early speculations, it is being said that Ankita Lokhande and Munawar Faruqui might emerge as the top two finalists and will fight hard for the trophy. In the grand finale, Isha Malviya will be performing with Samarth Jurel. Apart from that Abdu Rozik and Orry were also seen in the initial promos of the Bigg Boss 17 grand finale.
Check out this video of Mannara Chopra and Ankita Lokhande below:
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