The iconic Border franchise, which has left an indelible mark on audiences, is set to return with a sequel that promises even greater impact. The highly anticipated film, titled Border 2, will feature the dynamic duo of Sunny Deol and Varun Dhawan in lead roles as per latest reports. Produced by Bhushan Kumar in collaboration with JP Dutta and Nidhi Dutta, Border 2 aims to be the magnum opus of Indian cinema. Anurag Singh, known for his directorial prowess, will helm this ambitious war epic.
It is reported by Pinkvilla that Varun Dhawan has officially signed on to headline Border 2 alongside Sunny Deol. Sources close to the project emphasise that this casting decision is pivotal, as Varun Dhawan considers the franchise a personal favourite. His involvement in the sequel could be a defining moment in his career.
There has been a lot of good noise around Border’ 2, especially after Sunny Deol’s smashing comeback in 2023 with Gadar 2. The film had opened at a whopping Rs 40.10 crore and was unstoppable. And now, there is a lot of anticipation for Border 2. The film is slated to go on floors November 2024 onwards, aiming for a Republic Day weekend release in 2026. While the film will have an ensemble cast, just like the first instalment, the makers are picking and choosing every character very diligently, to take the appeal of Border 2 to the next level.
Watch a video on Varun Dhawan
It is being reported that sources close to the project say that the production house is going the extra mile to ensure that Border 2 is an ‘unforgettable cinematic experience.’ While there is still time for Border 2 to start rolling, Sunny and Varun fans can rest assured as the two are shooting for multiple projects that will release the next year to regale them on the big screen.
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