“The controversy began with the demolition of superstar Nagarjuna’s convention center in Hyderabad. Subsequently, a sitting woman cabinet minister launched a personal attack on Samantha Prabhu, Nagarjuna’s now-estranged daughter-in-law and a successful actress in her own right. The campaign of harassment extended to veteran actor Mohan Babu, with his son allegedly being used to settle political scores. Most recently, Allu Arjun, another prominent Tollywood figure, has found himself in the crosshairs,” he said further.
Targeting the Congress, Malviya said that this situation in Telangana serves as a stark reminder for those who view Congress as a defender of free speech and expression.
“The party’s actions suggest otherwise, revealing a pattern of extortion and coercion that targets livelihoods and reputations in its quest for power and wealth. After just one year in office, the Revanth Reddy-led government has become deeply unpopular, with no significant achievements to its name. Telangana appears ready for a new chapter, with the BJP poised as a potential alternative,” Amit Malviya added.
On Wednesday, BJP MP Anurag Thakur came out in support of Pushpa 2 star Allu Arjun and suggested that some people are trying to tarnish the image of Telugu actor. On Tuesday, actor Allu Arjun was questioned by Hyderabad police in connection with the tragic incident during the premiere of his film Pushpa 2 on December 4.On December 4, when Allu Arjun attended the premiere of Pushpa 2: The Rule at Sandhya Theatre, a massive crowd gathered to catch a glimpse of the actor, and chaos ensued when he waved to fans from the sunroof of his car. This led to the tragic death of a woman named Revathi and injuries to her child.
Following the incident, Allu Arjun was arrested and later released on bail after furnishing a Rs 50,000 bond.