Bigg Boss 17: The Salman Khan-hosted reality show is just a few days away from its grand finale. Ankita Lokhande, Munawar Faruqui, Abhishek Kumar, Mannara Chopra, and Arun Mahashetty are the top five finalists. The show has managed to grab viewers’ attention with its controversies, such as Abhishek-Isha’s troubled past and Ankita-Vicky’s marriage. However, Mannara Chopra and Munawar Faruqui’s alliance was one of the most talked-about topics. Mannara was accused of using Munawar to better her game, but it was later revealed that Mannara had developed a liking for Munawar. In recent episodes, Abhishek Kumar revealed that Munawar Faruqui was the one who initially tried to woo Mannara and grab her attention.
Bigg Boss 17: Abhishek Kumar claims Munawar Faruqui tried to woo Mannara Chopra first
In a recent episode, Mannara re-entered the house after watching her journey video. The Zid actress was overwhelmed by the love she received from her fans while her video was being played. Mannara then revealed to her housemates how the video had highlighted her equation with Munawar. Mannara told Munawar that he got too emotional while watching their moments. Abhishek humorously asked if they were romantic moments, to which Mannara refused and said they were fun moments. Abhishek then said that Munawar was initially behind Mannara to woo her, but once she accepted his friendship, he took her for granted. While Mannara and Munawar didn’t react, Ankita Lokhande, who was also present during the conversation, smiled on hearing Abhishek’s comment. Munawar chose to ignore the statement made by Abhishek, to which Mannara said that the Lock Up season 1 winner always ignores such statements.
Mannara and Munawar started off as good friends. Despite host Salman Khan and Bigg Boss informing Munawar that Mannara was using him for the game, the stand-up comedian-turned-reality star never left the Zid actress’s side. However, after Ayesha Khan’s entry, Munawar distanced himself from Mannara. Mannara was hurt by Munawar’s changed behaviour and decided to end the friendship. As of now, both Munawar and Mannara are cordial towards each other, but they are not great friends like before.
The grand finale of Bigg Boss 17 will take place on January 28, 204. Speculations are rife that either Ankita Lokhande, Munawar Faruqui, or Abhishek Jan will lift the trophy.
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