JioCinema has recently launched the trailer for their upcoming series, Illegal season 3. The web series stars Akshay Oberoi, Neha Sharma, Piyush Mishra, and many other actors. In the third season, we will witness the entry of several new characters, including Zayn Malik Khan, who will be playing the role of Zoya Ahmed, a lawyer and the rival of Niharika (played by Neha Sharma). In a candid conversation, Zayn shares her thoughts on working on Illegal 3 and the impact a series like Illegal has on the audience.
Aamir Khan’s niece Zayn Marie Khan opens up on her character in Illegal 3; says, “There is a lot of high-drama between Neha Sharma and me”
While opening about her journey working in Illegal 3 and her character, Zayn shared, “I believe Zoya is a character that the audience will easily connect with. She is morally balanced yet very ambitious, making her intriguing due to this balance. There are many high-drama scenes between her and Neha’s character. Zoya fought her way up in a cutthroat industry, and through sheer hard work, she is determined to prove herself. In this way, her character is very relatable. I am grateful to Sahir for giving me the opportunity to play such an intriguing character.”
Speaking on the impact of the series on the Society, Zayn added, “One thing I always feel that people should keep in mind is that the show is one particular case scenario and it’s not necessary that this would happen everywhere. Additionally, because the show is talking about domestic abuse, abuse of relationships, etc, and there’s a great amount of responsibility that comes to us artists involved, but I also feel as an audience we are also responsible for the way in which we consume the media.”
Also Read : Aamir Khan gets family support; niece Zayn Khan shares support video for Laal Singh Chaddha, daughter Ira Khan shares it
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