Allu Arjun started the new year with a bang as Pushpa 2 Hindi version earned 10 crore on January 1. This is a huge number, considering it was the 28th day of the film’s theatrical run. In fact, the film has also found a spot in the top 10 biggest first-day box office collections of the year.
January 1 Box Office Collection
Allu Arjun’s biggie with 10 crore collection took the 8th spot in the list, surpassing Shah Rukh Khan’s Dunki and Prabhas’s Salaar. Interestingly, Salaar and Dunki had a box-office clash. Both films were released on December 21, 2023. Allu Arjun’s film on the 28th day earned more than Dunki and Salaar’s day 12, which happened to be January 1.
Aamir Khan Dominates The List
While Allu Arjun entered the top 10 list of the biggest January 1 box office collection by Hindi film, Aamir Khan dominates this list, with four of his films finding a spot in the top 10, with Dangal ruling at the top, followed by PK at number 5, 3 Idiots at number 6 and Dhoom 3 at number 7!
Here are the top 10 highest first day of the year collection registered by Hindi films at the box office.
- Dangal: 32.04 crore
- Simmba: 28.19 crore
- Good Newwz: 22.50 crore
- Tiger Zinda Hai: 18.04 crore
- PK: 14.05 crore
- 3 Idiots: 11.71 crore
- Dhoom 3: 10.78 crore
- Pushpa 2: 10 crore
- Dunki: 8.20 crore
- Salaar Hindi: 8 crore
Pushpa VS Pushpa 2’s January 1 Box Office
Pushpa: The Rise was released on December 17 and on January 1, 16th day of the film it earned 6.10 crore at the box office. Meanwhile, the sequel on its 28th day, which happened to be January 1, earned 63% higher!
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
Check out the box office collection and latest verdicts of Telugu Films of 2024 here.
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