The Tamil film Annapoorani, starring Nayanthara in the lead, has ignited a fresh wave of online debate surrounding free speech and artistic expression. After a section of viewers voiced objections to certain scenes, alleging they promote “Love Jihad” and offend Hindu religious sentiments, Zee Studios pulled the film from Netflix just weeks after its platform release.
“A dangerous precedent”: Parvathy Thiruvothu REACTS to Annapoorani’s removal from Netflix
This decision has sparked reactions from various corners, including actress Parvathy Thiruvothu who expressed concern on Instagram. “A dangerous precedent being set,” she wrote on her stories. “Censoring left right and ‘centre’ until we won’t be allowed to breathe.”
The controversy stems from specific scenes in the film. An FIR filed by a Mumbai resident accuses the movie of disrespecting Lord Ram, citing the final scene where Nayanthara’s character, a temple priest’s daughter, offers namaz while wearing a hijab before making biryani. Additional objections include a scene where Farhaan, Nayanthara’s friend, reportedly convinces her to eat meat by claiming Lord Ram and Sita also did so, and another where she chooses to break her fast with him instead of visiting the temple.
The FIR demands action against Nayanthara, director Nilesh Krishnaa, and others for hurting religious sentiments and promoting love jihad. Amidst these allegations, Zee Studios issued an apology to the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, confirming the film’s removal from Netflix until objectionable content is edited.
Also Read: Hindu Sewa Parishad files FIR against Nayanthara and Annapoorani for disrespecting Lord Ram
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