Pushpa 2: The Rule actor Allu Arjun is in the news. Though the film has been getting all the love and appreciation, the actor has landed in trouble. We all know about the Sandhya theatre, Hyderabad stampede that took life of a woman. Her kid is in the hospital in a serious condition. However, Allu Arjun was blamed for the stampede and he was arrested. The actor did receive bail soon but he had to spend the night in the jail. He has been looking after the victim’s child and is doing everything possible for the family. However, some political figures have been criticising Allu Arjun.
He held a press conference recently and clarified all the misinformation being spread about him. He also said that his character is being assassinated. However, yesterday, we saw a shocking thing happening. A group of people were attacking the Pushpa 2: The Rule actor’s Jubilee Hills residence in Hyderabad. They were pelting stones at his residence. They were members of Osmania University
Allu Aravind reacts to the shocking incident at their residence
His effigy was being burnt and protestors were demanding justice for the woman who lost her life in the stampede. This incident has left everyone shocked and many celebrities have come out in Allu Arjun’s support. Now, his father, Allu Aravind has opened up about this shocking incident.
He spoke to the media and said that everyone has seen what happened at their house but it is time for them to act accordingly. He added that right now is not the right time for them to react to anything. He revealed that the police have arrested the vandalisers and have filed a case against them.
Take a look at his video:
BREAKING: Allu Arjun’s father statement on stone pelting? pic.twitter.com/f7nMCrI7rH
— Manobala Vijayabalan (@ManobalaV) December 22, 2024
He shared that the police are ready to take away anyone else who comes to their residence again to create a ruckus and no one should encourage incidents like these. He said, “But I will not react just because the media is here. Now is the time to practice restraint. The law will take its own course.”
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