This follows a recent speech in the Rajya Sabha, where Union Home Minister Amit Shah stated, “If they had taken the name of God so many times instead of Ambedkar, they would have got heaven for seven lives.”
On Thursday, INDIA Bloc MPs led by Lok Sabha Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi held a protest in the Parliament premises and demanded the resignation of Union Home Minister Amit Shah over his remarks on Babasaheb Ambedkar.
Many MPs including Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi Vadra, Sanjay Raut, Mahua Majhi, and Ram Gopal Yadav were seen wearing blue clothes as a mark of protest against the Home Minister’s remarks.
Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati also condemned Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s remarks on Ambedkar and asked him to take them back.
“The words used by Amit Shah in the Parliament about the architect of the Indian Constitution and messiah of Dalits and other neglected classes, Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar, have greatly hurt Baba Saheb’s dignity and existence, and in a way, he has been insulted. Now there is tremendous anger and resentment among his followers in the entire country and he should take back these words and he should also repent for this. Otherwise, his (BR Ambedkar) followers will never be able to forget this, just like the way they haven’t been able to forget the misdeeds of Congress towards Dr BR Ambedkar,” Mayawati said in a press conference in Lucknow.Samajwadi Party MPs also protested against Amit Shah’s statement and demanded an apology from the BJP.SP MP Dimple Yadav said, “The BJP should apologise for the comments made in Parliament. This proves that the BJP is against the principles of Dr BR Ambedkar.”