Pushpa 2 actress Rashmika Mandanna’s first reaction to Allu Arjun’s arrest goes viral. Take a look below.
Hyderabad: In a shocking turn of events Pushpa 2 actor Allu Arjun was briefly detained by Hyderabad police on 13 December due to the tragic death of a 35-year-old woman during one of the premiere shows of Allu’s Arjun’s highly anticipated film, Pushpa 2: The Rule. Now that Allu Arjun has been granted interim bail by the Telangana High Court for four weeks, several celebrities and politicians have commented on the actor’s arrest. However, Pushpa 2 co-star Rashmika Mandanna’s recent post on X (formerly known as Twitter) went viral. Read on to find more details.
Pushpa 2 co-star Rashmika Mandanna reacts to Allu Arjun’s arrest
I can’t believe what I am seeing right now..
The incident that happened was an unfortunate and deeply saddening incident.
However, it is disheartening to see everything being blamed on a single individual. This situation is both unbelievable and heartbreaking.
— Rashmika Mandanna (@iamRashmika) December 13, 2024