Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna’s Pushpa 2: The Rule has made history by crossing the Rs 600 crore mark at the global box office. The Sukumar directorial has earned a staggering Rs 621 crore in just three days, continuing its unprecedented run. The movie has also become the fastest to cross Rs 200 crore net in India, surpassing major blockbusters like Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan, Pathaan, Ranbir Kapoor’s Animal, Salman Khan’s Tiger 3, Yash’s KGF 2, Sunny Deol’s Gadar 2, SS Rajamouli’s Baahubali 2, and Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao’s Stree 2 in the first three days.
Pushpa 2 has dethroned Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan to become the biggest Hindi grosser ever in India. Both movies had a Thursday release, gaining an advantage from the extended weekend, but Pushpa 2 has gone on to outperform Jawan by a significant margin.
Three-day box office collection breakdown:
- Pushpa 2: Rs 200.7 crore
- Jawan: Rs 180.45 crore
- Animal: Rs 176.58 crore
- Pathaan: Rs 161 crore
- Tiger 3: Rs 144 crore
- KGF 2: Rs 143.64 crore
- Gadar 2: Rs 134.88 crore
- Baahubali 2: Rs 128 crore
- Stree 2: Rs 127.05 crore
- Singham Again: Rs 121.75 crore
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Released on Thursday, Pushpa 2 debuted with a record-breaking Rs 294 crore gross on Day 1, setting a new benchmark for the highest opening in Indian cinema. This surpassed the previous record held by RRR (Rs 223.5 crore), followed by Baahubali 2 (Rs 217 crore) and Kalki 2898 AD (Rs 175 crore).
Looking ahead, Pushpa 2 is expected to earn Rs 780 crore by Day 4 worldwide, with an estimated Rs 68.65 crore from India alone. The action-packed sequel continues to dominate the box office, cementing its place as one of the biggest cinematic events in recent years.