Where do the American people go to get their reparations for the crimes committed against them by the recently deposed Democrat junta?
There’s nothing wrong with setting up a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to publicly expose the high crimes and misdemeanors of an odious ousted regime against the native population – it’s become a thing, at least in English-speaking lands.
But ultimately, such commissions come down to one question, and one question only.
How much money am I, the victim, going to get for being wronged? You know, reparations.
You probably haven’t heard much about the Democrats’ latest hate crime against law-abiding US taxpayers. This outrage involves the Federal Emergency Management Agency – FEMA.
State-run media is giving this FEMA fiasco a good-leaving alone because… Democrats.
After the hurricanes this fall, FEMA “workers” were dispatched to devastated areas across the Southeast. Storm victims who were Trump supporters quickly began noticing that their needs were being ignored by the Democrat payroll patriots.
No garbage need apply, in other words. No deplorables.
What the Biden-Harris FEMA was doing wasn’t separate but equal. It was separate and unequal – a Democrat tradition since they fired on Fort Sumter and started the Ku Klux Klan.
During the campaign, President Trump exposed the FEMA fiends, and you can imagine what the Democrat stenographers with press passes did. They ran “fact checks.”
You know how these fact checks always play out. The media fluffers denounce Trump’s “lies,” and then a few days or weeks later…. well, let’s go to the current headlines:
New York Times Oct. 4: “Trump’s False Claims about the Federal Response to Hurricane Helene.”
NYT Nov. 9: “FEMA Fires Employee for Telling Milton Relief Workers to Skip Houses with Trump Signs.”
The first scoop involving Trump voters getting screwed by Democrats broke in Lake Placid Florida. But now the scandal is metastasizing across the Southeast.
The fired FEMA employee, Marn’i Washington, for that is indeed her name, went on a podcast. She basically said she was a patsy — just a good Democrat following orders.
“This is not isolated,” Marn’i said. “This is a colossal event of avoidance, not just in the state of Florida but also avoidance in the Carolinas… Senior leadership will lie to you… Demand for FEMA to give you those incident reports!”
They hate us. The Democrats really hate us! And that’s why the jackbooted thugs were routed a week ago.
But again, comes the recurring question: Where’s the money for all the Trump voters who got screwed, again?
That’s why we need reparations. The list of affected, afflicted Americans who should be compensated for the political persecution against them starts with Donald J. Trump but also includes at least another 100 million or so MAGA types.
Here’s a short list of “garbage” who ought to be lining up right behind the Southeast hurricane victims for their reparations from the Democrats:
Every American who lost a job in 2021 because of Biden-Harris’ lunatic COVID jab mandate. (Why do you think Kamala didn’t get the firefighters’ union endorsement? When you get unjustly fired for anything, the memory tends to linger.)
All the Jan. 6 protestors harassed and locked up for, at most, misdemeanors, while BLM thugs and murderers were never locked up.
Every citizen victim of one of the 10 million illegal aliens waved into the US by the Democrats, put on welfare and then allowed to commit whatever crimes they pleased with impunity.
Anyone whose civil liberties were violated in the last four years by the FBI, including but not limited to parents who protested their daughters being harassed by boys in transgender restrooms, as well as Catholics attending Latin Masses who were followed and had their license-plate numbers recorded because the G-men Reds believed they might be Republicans.
Anyone in Massachusetts who was harassed by fat, drunkard rogue ATF agents who improperly used federal equipment in Chelsea to expunge potentially criminal information from their cell phones.
Anyone denied a job they were qualified for because of the Democrats’ overtly racist DEI hiring binge.
Everybody whose businesses were destroyed by the insane COVID restrictions.
Every young person whose education was irreparably harmed by the public-school shutdowns jammed through by assorted Democrat state regimes at the behest of the shiftless teachers’ unions.
Every driver who got stuck somewhere by the side of the road over the last four years because they were forced to rent an EV after all the smart people got to the agency first and grabbed the real cars that you can safely drive for more than 100 miles.
Everybody whose day at the beach was spoiled last summer because the debris from the collapsed wind turbines washed up on shore and towns were forced to close their beaches.
Just think how many Americans whose lives have been in some ways harmed, if not ruined, by the insanity of the corrupt current cabal. This is why they were routed so thoroughly.
But they can’t be allowed to just walk away from the catastrophes and calamities they have gleefully inflicted upon us.
Most importantly, what about me? How much do the Democrats owe me in reparations? How much am I going to get?
I got thrown off YouTube, repeatedly, for discussing the government’s own COVID statistics. Pre-Elon Musk, I was booted from Twitter for trying to post a verified FBI memo pointing out that Nancy Pelosi’s father in Baltimore was owned by the Mafia.
Because of my job at Newsmax, I got tangled up in the lawfare suits after the selection, er election of Joe Biden. I didn’t do anything but my legal bills ran close to six figures. I got my most recent subpoena last year – on Christmas Day.
Lawfare – the process is the punishment.
Like 100 million-plus other Americans, I can never be made really whole again after four years of Biden-Harris oppression. But reparations might, possibly, be a beginning towards… closure. We can’t let these Democrats get away with this. They must pay!
To paraphrase Woody Guthrie:
“MAGA-land is a Garden of Eden, a paradise for you and for me, but believe it or not, you won’t find it so hot, if you ain’t got the do-re-mi.”
Give us all our reparations, Democrats!
No justice, no peace!
(Order Howie’s new tee shirt, “Proud to be Garbage” at howiecarrshow.com.)