Bollywood actor Anil Kapoor recently praised his close friend and frequent collaborator Anupam Kher, calling him “one of the biggest risk takers of our industry.” Kapoor, who has shared the screen with Kher in multiple films, highlighted his admiration for Kher’s bold career choices and versatility.
Anil Kapoor pens heartwarming note for friend Anupam Kher ahead of Vijay 69 release: “Hindi medium boy who made his mark in Hollywood”
“Anupam Kher has been one of the biggest risk takers of our industry,” Anil said, emphasizing his friend’s adaptability. “He is the joker in the pack, a chameleon who can do anything. I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Anupam, and he is truly one of the best actors to have come out of India. Period.”
A Trailblazer in Hollywood and Beyond
Anil Kapoor also pointed to Kher’s successful transition to Hollywood as an inspiration for many aspiring actors. Despite starting with limited English proficiency, Anupam carved a space for himself in international cinema, working alongside some of the biggest directors and actors globally.
“The fact that a Hindi medium boy managed to cross over and make his mark in Hollywood is a testament to his hunger to make a mark,” Anil shared, recognizing Kher’s determination to bring pride to his family and his work.
Excitement for Vijay 69 on Netflix
Kapoor expressed high hopes for Kher’s upcoming project, Vijay 69, which is set to premiere on Netflix. Produced by YRF Entertainment, this marks Yash Raj Films’ fourth collaboration with Netflix, following popular titles such as The Romantics, The Railway Men, and Maharaj. Anil praised Kher’s relentless dedication to his craft even at 69.
“Vijay 69 is a testament of his hard work, his genius as an actor. At 69, Anupam is still hungry for work and appreciation, and that’s inspiring to me as well. He is supremely disciplined, lives life to the fullest, is well-read, funny, and a great friend!”
Bonding Over Fitness
Anil Kapoor and Anupam Kher also share a passion for fitness, often working out together and pushing each other toward fitness goals. Kapoor praised Kher’s youthful energy in the gym, noting that his dedication goes beyond acting and extends to his personal life.
Speaking of the film, it will be available on the streaming giant from November 8.
Also Read: Vijay 69: Anupam Kher and Mihir Ahuja reveal how it is a perfect Diwali film: “We celebrate the bond of togetherness, the bond of family”
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