The teen initially paid Rs 7,000 via UPI for one ticket after finding a seemingly legitimate contact number online. When his friends also wanted tickets, they collectively paid Rs 2.17 lakh for 24 tickets. The scammers sent a fake email confirmation from ‘[email protected]’, resembling the official BookMyShow domain.
Suspicions arose when a relative pointed out discrepancies in the email address. Realizing the scam, the group filed a complaint with the police.
Meanwhile, the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) began a preliminary inquiry following a complaint by advocate Amit Vyas against BookMyShow, accusing the platform of ticket scalping. BookMyShow also filed another FIR at Vile Parle police station against unknown individuals involved in selling tickets on the black market.
The anticipation for the Coldplay concert at the DY Patil Stadium in Navi Mumbai in January 2025 is high, with tickets quickly selling out. Many fans have expressed frustration on social media over ticketing scams and inflated prices in the black market, prompting the police investigation.
The band is scheduled to perform on January 18, 19, and 21 as part of its “Music of the Spheres World Tour 2025.”(With ToI inputs)