Ulajh, which opened in theatres on August 2, starred Janhvi Kapoor, Gulshan Devaiah, and Roshan Mathew. The film has demonstrated growth in box office numbers – Check detailed report!
Ulajh, the thriller starring Janhvi Kapoor and Gulshan Devaiah, earned an estimated Rs 2 crore nett in India on Sunday. This is a remarkable improvement since the first day. Sudhanshu Saria directed the film, and after three days of release, it collected Rs 1.15 crore nett on its first day of release and barely increased to Rs 1.75 crore on its second day. Ulajh has now brought India’s total to Rs 4.90 crore, as per a recent report by Sacnilk.com.
Janhvi plays Suhana, an Indian Foreign Service (IFS) official who rises to become the youngest Deputy High Commissioner, in Ulajh. Her coworkers refer to her as a nepotistic product. She faces intense scrutiny and questions about her loyalty as she completes a difficult task in the London embassy. Ulajh also stars Adil Hussain, Roshan Mathew, and Meiyang Chang. Under the Junglee Pictures brand, it is co-produced by Amrita Pandey and produced by Vineet Jain.
Ulajh vs Auron Mei Kahan Dum Tha
Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha is a love drama with a dash of action, whereas Ulajh is a thriller with a complicated plot.
The conflict between Ajay Devgn’s love drama and Janhvi’s spy thriller doesn’t appear to have much of an effect on any movie. Ulajh has made almost 5 crore in its first three days of business, which is nearly as much as Ajay Devgn and Tabu’s Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha had made at the box office.
According to the report, pre-sale tickets for Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha, which stars Ajay Devgn and Tabu, have gone for less than 1000. Even less than 750 seats had been sold for Ulajh, the Janhvi Kapoor film that was the other Bollywood release this week. These sales are considerably less than those of Sarfira, which starred Akshay Kumar and was released with Sudha Kongara last month.
Gulshan Devaiah Reacts to Ulajh’s Box Office Struggle
Even though Ulajh is still having trouble at the box office, Gulshan Devaiah is getting plaudits for his work in the movie. The actor spoke out about the underwhelming box office receipts of Janhvi Kapoor’s political thriller in its first two days on his X (formerly Twitter) account. Films are intended to be viewed on a large screen, according to Gulshan, who also described the industry as a “tough business.”