Speaking to reporters at Vidhana Soudha, he said, “BJP has once again demonstrated that it is anti-farmer by opposing the milk price hike. A hike of Rs 2 per litre has been done to benefit the farmers. The quantity of milk has also been increased proportionately. Price hikes should not be politicised, the decision has been taken as input costs for farmers have gone up. The price of milk in the state is still lower than in other states.”
Asked about the statement of the KMF Chairman that the proceeds from the price hike won’t go to farmers, he said, “Farmers are KMF. In my opinion, prices should have been hiked some more. Farmers are in distress and are selling their cattle. Let them check the prices of milk in other states and then talk about this.”
He also congratulated Rahul Gandhi on being chosen as the Leader of the Opposition (LoP) in the Lok Sabha and highlighted it to be a step towards preserving democracy in India.
“It was the desire of the people that Rahul Gandhi became the Leader of the Opposition. I would like to congratulate him. This is a step towards preserving democracy in India and I welcome it. I thank AICC President Mallikarjun Kharge and Sonia Gandhiji for ensuring that Rahul Gandhi was made the LoP. We will work for the people of the country,” he said.
On being asked about the demand for additional DCMs, he said, “You ask the Chief Minister about this, he is the right person to answer this.”