According to officials, the accused, identified as Banwarilal Laturlal Gujar from Bundi, allegedly uploaded a video on his YouTube channel where he said, “Lawrence Bishnoi, Goldy Brar and other gang members are with me and I am going to kill Salman Khan as he did not apologise yet.”
According to the police, an offence was registered at South Cyber Police Station vide under sections 506(2), 504, 34 of the IPC and section 66(d) of the Information Technology (IT) Act against an individual who, through a YouTube video on the channel named “Are Chhodo Yar,” discussed the Bishnoi Gang and mentioned plans to kill Khan.
This is a fresh development in the matter. Previously, the police had registered a case on the firing incident. On April 14, two motorbike-bound men fired five rounds outside Khan’s residence in Bandra. Six people were arrested in the case, one of whom, Anuj Thapan, allegedly died by suicide in police custody on May 1. The police recently recorded the statement of the actor in the matter. Sources say that Khan told the cops that he was sleeping when the firing took place.