Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin serial: The Shakti Arora and Bhavika Sharma starrer is all set for a major transformation. The show will take a leap in a few weeks, after which the entire Bhosale family, barring a few, will bid adieu to the show. Apart from Savi, Harini, Ishaan’s parents, Isha, and Shantanu, every character will mark their exit from the show. Shakti and Sumit have already confirmed their exit, and now Vijhay Badlaani, aka Nishikant, reveals how he is dealing with the shocking news of the leap.
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Vijhay Badlaani aka Nishikant opens up on Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin leap
In an interview with Pinkvilla, Vijhay Badlaani, aka Nishikant, reveals that the leap news has come as a shock for the entire cast. He stated that most of the actors don’t understand why the makers need to take a leap, especially when the rating of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin was 2.1, and the show is already in the top two in trp chart. He said that he has enjoyed his journey most in the show and would forever be grateful for being a part of it. He further mentioned that he is sure that he will cry on the last day of shoot as he is an emotional person and also quite attached to the cast members.
He also revealed that in March 2024 he lost his mother and how the entire cast including Shakti Arora, Pankaj sir, Nimai Sir, and Vaishali Ma’am have been there for him emotionally when he was at his lowest, and he will dearly miss all the cast and crew.
Initially, the makers thought to even let Savi’s character exit the show; however, it seems too much of a risk to them, and hence they decided to retain one of the leads. Hitesh Bharadwaj and Kaveri Priyam will enter the show post leap. While Hitesh will play the male protagonist, Kaveri will essay the parallel female lead.
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