Sharing the details of Rakshas, Prasanth told Amar Ujala that the film’s title has sparked discussions within the writing team, with options ranging from ‘Rakshas’ to ‘Brahmarakshas.’ However, Prasanth’s stance is clear.He wants to prioritize a name that resonates positively with all segments of society. This led to the decision to stick with Rakshas.
There was a buzz that Ranveer Singh visited Prasanth’s office with an entourage of vehicles. The local shopkeepers and set crew had mentioned that he behaviour of Ranveer’s team was not good. The filmmaker confirmed the details and said, “Yes, Ranveer Singh has his own style. He came to the office with a whole caravan. But, the way of working in the South is different. Here everyone works as a team. No one ever tries to impose any kind of authority on anyone.”
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Addressing the rumours of creative differences and prolonged shoot times, Prasanth stated, “The talk of me taking three-four days to shoot for half an hour is unfounded. We completed his look test efficiently. I’m not sure where these rumours originated, and I prefer not to dwell on them.”
Senior technicians who were present at the shoot in Hyderabad vouched for Ranveer’s enthusiasm. One technician noted, “Ranveer’s spirited performance in Telugu post-shoot showed his excitement for this project.”
In light of speculations about Rakshas being shelved or Ranveer Singh exiting the Rs 300 crore project, the report revealed that Prasanth and Ranveer are still in contact with each other. Final discussions are underway, and preparations to commence filming as scheduled are progressing smoothly.