Dota 2 Patch 7.36 notes: All buffs, nerfs, and changes

Dota 2 fans asked for a major gameplay patch for the last eight months, and it finally arrived in the form of Patch 7.36. This gigantic gameplay patch brought some of the most notable changes to the game in recent years, and there’s something to look forward to in each hero.

While today’s patch saw some heroes receive new abilities, others just got minor adjustments. Combined, all the changes aim to bring a breath of fresh air to Dota 2’s metagame ahead of the Esports World Cup and The International 2024.

From the introduction of unique Innate abilities to two Hero Facets that can be chosen pre-game, here’s every single change coming with Dota 2 patch 7.36.

Dota 2 Patch 7.36: All change notes

Dota will never be the same again. Image via Valve

System changes in Dota 2 Patch 7.36

Innate abilities

  • We’ve gone in-depth into what Innate abilities here.

Hero Facets

  • We’ve gone in-depth into what Hero Facets are here.

General gameplay

  • Strategy time extended by 15/10/5 seconds for the first 1/2/3 weeks immediately after a numbered patch.
  • Glyph no longer refreshes when the first tier three tower is destroyed.
  • Glyph now refreshes when the first Melee Barracks is destroyed.
  • AoE bonuses now affect all auras and Cleave sources.
  • Dominated creeps no longer allow players to bypass backdoor protection.
  • Hero denies now grant experience to the hero who created the deniable debuff.
  • Mana bars are now always visible.
  • Fountain buff grants couriers haste movement.
  • If a courier has no items, pressing the Deliver Courier button sends it home.
  • Mana cost reduction effects no longer work on abilities that drain mana over time.
  • Attack speed display is no longer normalised to 1.7 Base Attack Time (BAT). Attack speed always begins at 700 and a buff that grants percentage attack speed now increases by a flat modifier).
  • New Dota Labs feature: “Persistent Range Indicatiors,” when switched on, will display a drawn persistent range in the world for a ranged object (whether it be experience range, attack range, spell range, or an ability/item).
  • New Dota Labs feature: “Dynamic Health Bar Focus,” when switched on, will draw the health bar of any hovered-over unit above any other health bars.

Ability Draft

  • Innates
    • Innate abilities that do not appear on a hero’s ability bar will be automatically assigned to the hero when spawning in, but cannot be drafted.
    • Innate abilities that can be leveled with skill points are draftable, but will not be automatically assigned when spawning in.
    • All other innate abilities are disabled for Ability Draft.
  • Facets
    • You can choose any hero facet belonging to your assigned hero during strategy time.
    • Facets that grant new abilities are disabled.
    • Facets that replace abilities will work if you draft the ability that is being replaced.
    • If a facet has no effect on your hero you can still select it. In game, the facet will notate it has no effect.

Item changes in Dota 2 Patch 7.36

Roshan’s Banner

  • Roshan’s Banner now grants invulnerability to all allied lane creeps in its radius.
  • The effect radius decreased to 600 from 750.
  • When the creeps leave the radius they lose Banner’s effect.
  • The banner duration has been decreased from five minutes to two minutes.
  • Melee Hero attacks now deal two times the damage to Roshan’s Banner.
  • Its cast range is no longer global, now 1,200.

Dragon Lance

  • You can no longer disassemble Dragon Lance.

Eternal Shroud

  • The recipe cost has been increased to 900 from 800, bumping the item’s total price to 3,700 from 3,600.

Orchid Malevolence and Bloodthorn

  • Fixed a bug where Status Resistance sometimes eliminated Soul Burn’s damage.


  • Chain Lightning Damage is down to 110 from 120.

Octarine Core

  • Health bonus is down to 550 from 650.
  • Mana bonus is down to 550 from 625.


  • The recipe cost is up to 650 from 550, bumping the total to 2,100 from 2,000.
  • Removed the 20 percent Status Resistance bonus.
  • Added a 20 percent Slow Resistance bonus.

Yasha and Kaya

  • The recipe now costs 650 from 550, increasing the total cost to 2100 from 2000.

Heaven’s Halberd

  • The recipe costs 100 instead of 200 so the total cost of the item is the same.
  • Removed the 16 percent Status Resistance buff, added the 20 percent Slow Resistance bug.

Manta Style

  • The total cost of building a Manta Style is up to 4,650 from 4,550.

Meteor Hammer

  • The recipe costs 300 instead of 400.

Sange and Yasha

  • Total cost is now 4,200 instead of 4,000.
  • This item now grants 25 percent Slow Resistance.

Kaya and Sange

  • Total cost is now 4,200 instead of 4,000.
  • This item doesn’t provide 25 percent Status Resistance anymore.
  • It now grants 25 percent Slow Resistance and 25 percent Mana Cost and Mana Loss Reduction.

Wind Waker

  • Cycle cooldown is now 16 seconds instead of 13.

Ogre Seal Totem

  • Ogre Seal Flop now plays a flail animation while a hero is jumping.

Hero changes in Dota 2 Patch 7.36


  • Base damage decreased by six.
  • Curse of Avernus
    • It doesn’t silence targets anymore and doesn’t come with an attack counter.
    • It applies the full effect on the first attack with each hit resetting the duration.
    • Bonus attack speed is now 15/30/45/60 from 60/80/100/120.
    • Movement slow scale is now 10/15/20/25 percent from 15/30/45/60 percent.
    • Damage per second is now 10/20/30/40 from 20/30/40/50.
    • Duration is now two seconds from four seconds.
  • Talents:
    • Level 10 talent for Curse of Avernus now grants 10 percent more Movement Slow instead of 15 percent.
    • Level 15 talent for Curse of Avernus now gives less DPS with +50 instead of +80.
    • Level 25 Curse of Avernus talent now grants 80 Curse of Avernus bonus Attack Speed instead of one less Curse of Avernus Attacks Required buff.


  • Base attack speed increased to 110 from 100.
  • Corrosive Weaponry
    • No longer reduces Status Resistance by 3/4/5/6 percent per stack.
    • Now reduces enemy Base Attack Damage by 3/4/5/6 percent per stack.
    • Stats don’t get multiplied when Chemical Rage is active.
  • Chemical Rage
    • Bonus Health Regen is now 60/90/120 from 50/80/110.

Ancient Apparition

  • Cold Feet
    • No longer deals damage on its own. Now applies 2/4/6/8 Death Rime stacks. Stacks are dispelled when leaving the break area.
    • Break distance isn’t fixed anymore at 715; is now 725/750/775/800.
    • Stun duration is also longer at 1.9/2.2/2.5/2.8 seconds from 1.6/2.0/2.4/2.8 seconds.
  • Ice Vortex
    • No longer deals damage or slows movement speed on its own. Now applies 1/2/3/4 Death Rime stacks to targets in its area of effect. Stacks are dispelled when leaving the AoE.
  • Chilling Touch
    • Applies two Death Rime stacks, lasting for four seconds.
    • Bonus damage was nerfed to 30/60/90/120 from 40/80/120/160.
    • Mana Cost increased from 30/40/50/60 to 45/50/55/60.
  • Ice Blast
    • The ultimate doesn’t deal damage over time by itself. It now applies two Death Rime stacks for the entirety of its debuff duration.
  • Talents
    • Level 10 Talent 40 Cold Feet Damage Per Second replaced with two extra Cold Feet Death Rime Stacks
    • Level 15 Talent now grants 50 percent more Death Rime Slow and Damage instead of 450 AoE Cold Feet.


  • Blink
    • Now costs 50 mana instead of 45.
  • Counterspell and Counterspell Ally
    • No longer reflects spells by default, only blocks them.
    • Now costs 50 mana instead of 45.
  • Blink Fragment
    • Now costs 50 mana instead of 45.
    • Charges were reduced to two from three.
    • Base Charge Restore time is now 20 seconds instead of 25 seconds.
  • Talents:
    • Level 10 Talent now gives 10 percent more Counterspell Magic Resistance.
    • Level 15 Talent now slows fully mana-drained targets by 40 percent for 0.75 seconds instead of one-second Blink cooldown reduction.
    • Level 20 Talent is a one-second Blink cooldown reduction now instead of 150 Blink cast range.
    • Level 25 Talent is now a 200 Blink Cast range instead of 20 percent Counterspell Magic Resistance.

Arc Warden

  • Ability effects aren’t tied to which side Arc Warden plays for.
  • Magnetic Field
    • This is now a no-target ability and it spawns centered around the caster.
    • It doesn’t affect buildings and creeps by default.
    • Always pushes enemies away from the bubble even when Arc Warden doesn’t have Aghanim’s Shard.
    • Aghanim’s Shard doesn’t provide Magic Resistance anymore.
    • Aghanim’s Shard increases the bubbles’ radius by 25 and slows the enemy speed of attack projectiles by 75 percent while speeding up allies’ by 75 percent.
  • Tempest Double
    • Has a fixed 60 seconds duration now instead of 18/22/26.
    • Distance Penalty increases incoming damage by 75 percent instead of reducing outgoing damage by 50 percent.
    • Cooldown is now longer at 100/90/80 seconds instead of 70/60/50 seconds.
    • If the enemies kill the Tempest Double ability cooldown restarts.
  • Talents
    • Level 25 Talent now allows Magnetic Field to affect Buildings and Creeps instead of adding 10 seconds more to Tempest Double duration.


  • Berserker’s Call
    • Bonus armor is now down to 14/16/18/20 from 16/19/22/25.
    • Aghanim’s Scepter upgrade is moved to the Shard and vice versa. It still applies Battle Hunger to enemies affected by Berserker’s Call, but it doesn’t reduce the Cooldown anymore.
  • Battle Hunger.
    • It now applies instantly after applying and every 0.5 seconds after.
    • Aghanim’s Scepter now allows multiple Battle Hunger to stack.
  • Counter Helix
    • Damage reduction is increased to 20 percent for each stack from 15 percent. Max stacks are down to five from six.
    • Counter Helix counter now decreases when Axe attacks with Aghanim’s Scepter.
  • Culling Blade
    • Bonus armor on getting kills is now an Innate ability.
  • Talents:
    • Level 20 talent is now 12 Berserker’s Call Armor instead of the bonus one Armor per Culling Blade stack.


  • Strength gain is now 2.7 instead of 2.5.
  • Agility gain is now 2.7 instead of 2.5.
  • Intelligence gain is now 2.7 instead of 2.5.
  • Nightmare
    • No longer grants bonus attack speed by default.


  • Stick Napalm
    • Damage per stack has been increased from 4/8/12/16 to 5/10/15/20.
    • Damage to creeps has been reduced from 50 percent to 20 percent.
    • Application damage is now affected by creep penalty.
  • Flamebreak
    • The projectile speed is now 1,700 instead of 1,400.
  • Firefly
    • Damage per second is down to 25/50/75/100 from 30/60/90/120.
  • Flaming Lasso
    • Total damage is up to 200/350/500 instead of 100/200/300.


  • Base Agility is now 22 instead of 18.
  • Talents
    • Level 10 Talent Wild Axes Damage Amp per stack is down to two percent from +2.5 percent.
    • Level 10 Talent 30 Damage replaced with five percent Inner Beast Aura Magic Resist
    • Level 20 Talent 30 Boar and Hawk Damage replaced with 30 Damage to Beastmaster and his units.
    • Level 25 Talent five-second Wild Axes cooldown reduction replaced with No Wild Axes cooldown.


  • Base Movement Speed is down to 285 from 300.
  • Bloodrage
    • Aghanim’s Shard Heal/Damage increased from 30 to 35.
  • Thirst
    • No longer has a Max HP threshold and starts at 100 percent.
    • Max Thirst Move Speed decreased from 16/24/32/40 percent to 10/20/30/40 percent.
    • Healing on kills moved to Innate ability.
  • Blood Mist
    • Now increases healing by Sanguivore instead of Thirst.

Bounty Hunter

  • Shuriken Toss
    • Damage increased from 100/150/200/250 to 100/170/240/310.
    • Mana Cost increased from 50/60/70/80 to 65/70/75/80.
    • No longer slows Attack Speed.
  • Shadow Walk
    • Mana Cost decreased from 55 to 50.
  • Track
    • No longer grants bonus damage to Shuriken Toss.
    • No longer provides a critical strike on attacks.
    • Now increases all damage taken by the target by 8/14/20 percent.
  • Friendly Shadow
    • Mana Cost decreased from 55 to 50.
  • Talents
    • Level 25 Talent two Shuriken Toss charges replaced with 275 Shuriken Toss Damage


  • Thunder Clap
    • Damage decreased from 90/160/230/300 to 75/150/225/300
    • Movement Speed Slow rescaled from 25/35/45/55 percent to 15/30/45/60 percent
    • Attack Speed Slow rescaled from 25/35/45/55 to 15/30/45/60
  • Cinder Brew
    • Can now be ignited only from magical and pure damage. Physical damage spells will not ignite the target
  • Primal Split
    • Earth Brewling’s Demolish Damage decreased from 90/170/250 to 80/140/200.
    • Storm Brewling’s Cyclone Hero Duration decreased from five to 3/4/5 seconds.
    • Storm Brewling’s Wind Walk Cooldown increased from five to 20/14/8 seconds.
    • Storm Brewling’s Wind Walk Bonus Speed decreased from 50 percent to 20/30/40 percent.
  • Primal Companion
    • Brewlings no longer have any movement, cooldown, or casting penalties.


  • Base Damage decreased by eight.
  • Viscous Nasal Goo
    • Aghanim’s Shard no longer increases stack limit.
  • Quill Spray
    • Quill Stack Damage rescaled from 28/30/32/34 to 30.
  • Bristleback
    • Aghanim’s Scepter Spray interval increased from 0.35 to 0.4 seconds.


  • Silken Bola ability replaced with Incapacitating Bite.
  • Spin Web
    • Move speed bonus no longer decreases with unit’s current Health.
    • No longer provides health regen.
  • Incapacitation Bite
    • On attack, Broodmother applies a debuff that slows for 15/20/25/30 percent, gives a 30/40/50/60 percent miss chance, and increases all attack damage received by 2/4/6/8 for two seconds.
  • Spawn Spiderlings
    • Spiderlings now create similar Spiderlings instead of Spiderites.
    • Now also slows target by 25/35/45 percent for four seconds.
    • Spiderling Health decreased from 320 to 300.
  • Talents
    • Level 15 Talent Spiderlings Health decreased from 150 to 125.
    • Level 20 Talent 400 AoE Silken Bola replaced with 10 Incapacitating Bite Attack Damage Bonus.
    • Level 25 Talent 35 percent Silken Bola Slow/Miss Chance replaced with 30 percent Incapacitating Bite Slow/Miss Chance.

Centaur Warrunner

  • Base Health Regen decreased from five to four.
  • Base Movement Speed decreased from 310 to 305.
  • Stampede
    • Cooldown increased from 90s to 100/95/90 seconds.
  • Hitch a Ride
    • Now grants invulnerability to the mounted target.
    • No longer ends when blinking or teleporting.

Chaos Knight

  • Chaos Bolt
    • Max Damage increased from 150/210/270/330 to 150/230/310/390.
    • Aghanim’s Shard no longer increases cast range by 150.
    • Aghanim’s Shard illusions deal 30 percent less damage.
  • Reality Rift
    • Cast Point improved from 0.3s to 0.25 seconds.
  • Phantasm
    • Illusions from this ability are no longer Strong Illusions by default.
  • Talents
    • Level 15 Talent 100 percent Phantasm Illusion Incoming Damage reduction replaced with 12 Strength.


  • Holy Persuasion
    • No longer has a minimum health threshold.
    • Now dominated creep’s health is set to 400 + 50 * Chen’s Level.
    • Bonus Damage decreased from 4/10/16/22 to 2/7/11/15.
    • Move Speed Bonus decreased from 10/20/30/40 to 5/10/20/30.
    • Gold bounty for dominating a creep decreased from 100 percent to 25/50/75/100 percent.
    • Aghanim’s Scepter’s Martyrdom ability now has a global cast range.
  • Divine Favor
    • Armor Bonus rescaled from 9/12/15/18 to 5/10/15/20.
    • Active Heal Amplification now also affects Health Regen.
    • Healing and Regen Amplification decreased from 20 percent to 5/10/15/20 percent.
    • Now upgradable by Aghanim’s Scepter. Makes Health Regen Aura global and affects all allied units.
  • Hand of God
    • Heal over time duration increased from eight to 10 seconds


  • Strafe
    • Attack Speed Multiplier for Skeletons rescaled from 50/55/60/65 percent to 60 percent.
    • Mana Cost decreased from 75/80/85/90 to 60/70/80/90.
  • Death Pact
    • Cast Range decreased from 900 to 700.


  • Power Cogs
    • No longer provide a magic damage barrier to allies.
    • Power Cogs are not destroyed by Clockwerk’s attacks, and are pushed instead up to 1,000 distance.
    • Now destroy trees inside the cogs when cast.

Crystal Maiden

  • Base Mana Regen decreased from 0.5 to zero (moved her mana regeneration to her Innate ability).
  • Frostbite
    • No longer has bonus duration on non-ancient creeps.
    • Now deals four times the damage to non-ancient creeps.
    • Tick Interval increased from 0.2 to 0.25 seconds.
  • Arcane Aura
    • Self-bonus factor for Mana Regen was removed. Crystal Maiden receives a close Mana Regen bonus which is also amplified by the Innate ability.
  • Freezing Field
    • No longer grants armor.
    • Attack Speed Slow increased from 60 to 80/120/160.
  • Crystal Clone
    • You can now aim where the Crystal Maiden clone will slide.

Dark Seer

  • Surge
    • Aghanim’s Shard Damage per second from Trail increased from 35 to 40.
  • Ion Shell
    • Cast Point improved from 0.4 to 0.2 seconds.
  • Talents
    • Level 10 Talent Ion Shell Radius increased from 50 to 65.

Dark Willow

  • Cursed Crown
    • Backswing improved from 0.8 to 0.4 seconds.
    • Cooldown decreased from 18/16/14/12 to 17/15/13/11 seconds.
  • Terrorize
    • Radius increased from 400 to 400/450/500.
  • Talents
    • Level 15 Talent Cursed Crown AoE decreased from 160 to 150.
    • Level 25 Talent 100 Attack Speed replaced with 500 Terrorize Impact Damage.


  • Starbreaker
    • Fixed a bug that prevented Swipe Damage from being applied to creeps,
  • Solar Guardian
    • Healing now affects Dawnbreaker herself if she is in the target area of effect.
    • Can now be cast when Celestial Hammer is out, forcing the hammer to return when the spell is cast.


  • Bad Juju
    • No longer applies armor gain or loss on its own.
  • Talents
    • Level 25 Talent 0.5 Bad Juju Armor Reduction Increase replaced with one Weave Armor Reduction/Increase.

Death Prophet

  • Silence
    • No longer slows movement speed by default.
  • Exorcism
    • No longer grants passive movement speed.
  • Talents
    • Level 10 Talent 30 Damage replaced with 40 Attack Speed.
    • Level 15 Talent Health decreased from 300 to 250.
    • Level 20 Talent Spirit Siphon Damage/Heal decreased from 30 to 25.
    • Level 20 Talent 15 percent Silence Move Speed Slow replaced with 50 Crypt Swarm damage.


  • Thunder Strike
    • No longer has any Kinetic Field interactions by default.
    • Aghanim’s Shard bonus range decreased from 800 to 400.
    • Aghanim’s Shard bonus strikes decreased from two to one.
    • Aghanim’s Shard Duration on the ground decreased from seven to five seconds.
  • Glimpse
    • Max Damage rescaled from 125/175/225/275 to 100/160/220/280.
  • Kinetic Field
    • Cooldown increased from 20/17/14/11 to 20/18/16/14 seconds.
  • Talents
    • Level 25 Talent Static Storm Radius decreased from 200 to 150.


  • Base Damage decreased by two.
  • Base Health Regen increased from 0.25 to 1.25.
  • Strength gain increased from 3.7 to 3.8.
  • Devour
    • No longer grants 1/3/5/7 armor for the duration.
  • Scorched Earth
    • Cooldown increased from 35 to 41/39/37/35 seconds.
  • Talents
    • Level 10 Talent Scorched Earth Damage decreased from 12 to 10.
    • Level 15 Talent Scorched Earth Movement Speed decreased from seven to five percent.
    • Level 20 Talent Infernal Blade Max HP as Damage increased from two to 2.5 percent.

Dragon Knight

  • Added new ability: Wyrm’s Wrath. It replaces Dragon Blood, providing and upgrading Dragon Knight’s attack modifiers set by the chosen Facet.
  • Breathe Fire
    • No longer applies dragon’s attack effects.
  • Wyrm’s Wrath
    • Provides and improves attack modifiers of the chosen Facet for both human and dragon forms. Illusions can’t apply Wyrm’s Wrath’s attack modifiers. Now upgradeable with Aghanim’s Scepter. Improves attack modifiers of the chosen Facet.
  • Elder Dragon Form
    • No longer changes Dragon type with each level. Now the dragon form depends on a chosen Hero Facet.
    • Now increases attack damage by 20/60/100.
    • Aghanim’s Scepter Black Dragon form no longer increases Magic Resistance.

Drow Ranger

  • Base Movement Speed increased from 300 to 310.
  • Frost Arrows
    • Movement Speed Slow decreased from 10/25/40/55 percent to 10/20/30/40 percent.
  • Gust
    • No longer grants bonus Movement Speed.
  • Multishot
    • No longer has bonus slow duration and instead applies the normal Frost Arrows duration.
  • Marksmanship
    • Bonus Agility for allies moved to Innate ability.
  • Talents
    • Level 10 Talent 15 percent Gust Self Movement Speed replaced with three-second Gust cooldown reduction.
    • Level 20 Talent four-second Gust Cooldown reduction replaced with 40 percent Gust self movement speed.
    • Level 25 Talent Marksmanship Chance decreased from 12 to 10 percent.

Earth Spirit

  • Geomagnetic Grip
    • Remnant Damage increased from 50/100/150/200 to 50/125/200/275.
    • Cast Range rescaled from 1,100 to 1,000/1,100/1,200/1,300.
  • Magnetize
    • Remnant Refresh/Explosion Radius increased from 400 to 600.
  • Talents
    • Level 20 Talent Geomagnetic Grip Cooldown Reduction increased from two to three seconds.


  • Talents
    • Level 25 Talent 200 Aftershock Range replaced with 50 percent Echo Slam cooldown reduction.

Ember Spirit

  • Sleight of Fist
    • Cooldown decreased from 15/12/9/6 to 12/10/8/6 seconds.
  • Talents
    • Level 15 Talent 50 Flame Guard DPS replaced with 100 percent Flame Guard DPS.
    • Level 20 Talent one b Searing Chains Target replaced with +60 Searing Chains Damage


  • Enchant
    • No longer deals damage per second to heroes.
    • Enchantress receives 50 percent of the experience bounty of the enchanted creep.
    • Enchanting a Neutral Creep is now guaranteed to drop Neutral Token, if available.
    • Creep Bonus Health decreased from 200/300/400/500 to 150/250/350/450.
  • Talents
    • Level 15 Talent five extra Nature’s Attendants Wisps replaced with eight extra Nature’s Attendants heal.
    • Level 20 Talent 30 percent Enchanted Creep Health/Damage replaced with 150 Health and 25 Damage for Enchanted creeps.
    • Level 25 Talent 20 Nature’s Attendants Heal replaced with 12 extra Nature’s Attendants Wisps.


  • Midnight Pulse
    • Mana Cost increased from 50/80/110/140 to 65/90/115/140.
  • Black Hole
    • Aghanim’s Scepter Max HP as Damage increased from 3.5 to four percent.
  • Talents
    • Level 15 Talent Malefice Instance Damage increased from 35 to 40.
    • Level 25 Talent Demonic Summoning Eidolons decreased from five to four.

Faceless Void

  • Agility gain increased from 3.0 to 3.3.
  • Time Dilation
    • Mana Cost increased from 75/80/85/90 to 90.


  • Stroke of Fate
    • Now applies Ink Trail effect on hit.
  • Phantom’s Embrace
    • The phantom is no longer disjointable while returning to Grimstroke.
  • Ink Swell
    • Buff duration decreased from five to three seconds.
    • No longer can be manually triggered by default.
  • Talents
    • Level 20 Talent 1,000 Stroke of Fate cast range replaced with 75 percent Stroke of Fate damage.
    • Level 25 Talent 75 percent Stroke of Fate Damage replaced with 70 percent Stroke of Fate speed and travel range.


  • Rocket Barrage
    • No longer grants Slow Resistance.
  • Talents
    • Level 10 Talent 30 Movement Speed during Rocket Barrage replaced with 25 percent Homing Missile damage.
    • Level 25 Talent 30 second Call Down cooldown reduction no longer grants global cast range.


  • Scurry
    • No longer provides evasion near trees.
    • No longer increases attack and cast range by default.
  • Talents
    • Level 10 Talent now grants one second Scurry duration instead of 40 percent bonus Scurry evasion.
    • Level 25 Talent now grants Sharpshooter pierces debuff immunity instead of 135 Bushwhack radius.


  • Inner Fire
    • No longer disarms enemies.
    • Now silences enemies for 1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds.
    • Mana cost replaced with 75/100/125/150 health cost.
    • Cast Point increased from 0.2 to 0.3 seconds.
  • Burning Spear
    • Health cost increased from three to four percent.
  • Berserker’s Blood
    • Maximum magic resistance increased from 10/15/20/25 to 15/20/25/30 percent.
  • Life Break
    • Magic resistance while leaping increased from 50 to 60 percent.
  • Talents
    • Level 25 Talent now grants a six second boost to Burning Spear duration instead of Burning Spears now deals Pure damage.


  • Wex
    • No longer grants cooldown reduction.
  • Ability cooldowns have been adjusted:
    • Cold Snap: From 20 to 18 seconds.
    • Ghost Walk: 35 to 32 seconds.
    • Tornado: 30 to 27 seconds.
    • E.M.P: 30 to 27 seconds.
    • Alacrity: 17 to 15 seconds.
    • Chaos Meteor: 55 to 50 seconds.
    • Sun Strike: 25 to 23 seconds.
    • Forge Spirit: 30 to 27 seconds.
    • Ice Wall: 25 to 23 seconds.
    • Deafening Blast: 40 to 36 seconds.


  • Tether
    • Damage per second increased from 10/20/30/40 to 15/25/35/45.
    • Enemy move and attack slow decreased from 15/25/35/45 to 10/20/30/40 percent.
  • Spirits
    • Creep Collision Damage increased from 10/15/20/25 to 12/18/24/30.
  • Talents
    • Level 10 Talent Attack Damage to Tethered Units decreased from 15 to 12.
    • Level 15 Talent Tether Movement Speed decreased from six to five percent.
    • Level 15 Talent Spirits Hero Damage increased from 55 to 60.
    • Level 20 Talent Relocate Cooldown Reduction increased from 25 to 30 seconds.
    • Level 25 Talent Attack Tethered Ally’s Target now applies a 25 percent damage penalty on Io’s attacks.


  • Dual Breath
    • Cast Range increased from 750 to 850.
  • Ice Path
    • Cast Range decreased from 1200 to 1100.
    • Formation Delay decreased from 0.5 to 0.2 seconds.
  • Macropyre
    • Width decreased from 520 to 500.
    • Mana Cost increased from 230/340/450 to 300/400/500.
    • Cooldown increased from 80/70/60 to 90/80/70 seconds.
  • Talents
    • Level 15 Talent 325 bonus health replaced with 1.5 second Ice Path cooldown reduction.
    • Level 20 Talent Macropyre Damage decreased from 25 to 20.


  • Blade Fury
    • Now applies a strong dispel when it ends
  • Blade Dance
    • Critical Chance increased from 20/25/30/35 to 35 percent at all levels.
    • Critical Damage decreased from 190 percent to 130/150/170/190 percent.
  • Omnislash
    • Bonus Damage decreased from 40/45/50 to 30/35/40.

Keeper of the Light

  • Spirit Form
    • Aghanim’s Shard now increases Spirit Form Illuminate heal by 30 percent.
  • Will-o-Wisp
    • Mana cost decreased from 250 to 150.
  • Talents
    • Level 15 Talent now grants five second Blinding Light cooldown reduction instead of two Solar Bind charges.
    • Level 20 Talent now grants 200 Chakra Magic Mana instead of Solar Bind stun at full slow.


  • Torrent
    • Stun duration decreased from 1.6 to 1.4 seconds.
  • X Marks The Spot
    • Enemy delay decreased from four to three seconds.
    • Allied delay decreased from eight to six seconds.
  • Talents
    • Level 15 Talent Torrent Damage/Knock Up Duration decreased from 25 to 20 percent.
    • Level 15 Talent 45 Damage replaced with 60 Tidebringer Damage.
    • Level 20 Talent 70 percent Tidebringer Cleave replaced with 15 percent Rum Damage delay.
    • Level 25 Talent two second Tidebringer cooldown reduction replaced with 100 percent Tidebringer Cleave Damage.

Legion Commander

  • Overwhelming Odds
    • Base Damage increased from 35/65/95/125 to 40/70/100/130.
    • Damage per hero increased from 35/65/95/125 to 40/70/100/130.
    • No longer deals 25 percent bonus damage to illusions.
    • Buff Duration increased from five to six seconds.
    • Cooldown increased from 15 to 18 seconds.
  • Duel
    • Aghanim’s Scepter no longer provides Duel damage reduction. Now it provides Legion Commander with Debuff Immunity for the duration of the Duel
    • Duration with Aghanim’s Scepter increased from 5.5/6.5/7.5 to 6.25/6.75/7.5 seconds.
  • Talents
    • Level 10 Talent Press The Attack Movement Speed increased from eight to 10 percent.
    • Level 15 Talent Press The Attack HP Regen increased from 30 to 40.
    • Level 20 Talent AoE Press The Attack increased from 250 to 300.
    • Level 25 Talent Moment of Courage Lifesteal increased from 50 to 75 percent.

Wraith King

  • Wraithfire Blast
    • No longer makes skeletons focus the spell’s target nor provide increased attack speed.
  • Mortal Strike
    • Aghanim’s Shard now also grants 150 percent Critical Damage while in Wraith Form.
  • Reincarnation
    • Wraith Aura from Aghanim’s Scepter moved to Innate ability.
  • Talents
    • Level 10 Talent now increases Wraithfire Blast impact damage/DPS instead of increased summoned skeleton duration.
    • Level 15 Talent now grants 400 health instead of increasing Skeleton attack damage.
    • Level 20 Talent now grants 70 attack speed instead of five minimum skeletons spawned.


  • Arc Lightning
    • No longer deals damage based on the enemy’s current health.
    • Damage increased from 85/110/135/160 to 90/120/150/180.
  • Thundergod’s Wrath
    • No longer deals damage based on opponent’s health.
    • Damage increased from 300/425/500 to 300/475/650.
  • Lightning Hands
    • No longer grants 100 attack range.
    • Now grants 30 attack speed.
    • Illusion damage reduction now also applies to damage from Static Field.
  • Talents
    • Level 20 Talent now grants 60 Arc Lightning damage instead of six percent Arc Lightning current health as damage.

This piece is being updated (because the notes are huge)in the meantime, check out the Dota 2 blog for more.

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