Fighter is touted as the first big film for Bollywood in 2024. The industry has had a terrific 2023 with multiple blockbusters signifying revival of Hindi cinema. As per estimates on Sacnilk, Fighter has made close to Rs 7 crores in advance booking. The first day collection is supposed to be in the range of Rs 25 to 28 crores. If the word of mouth for Fighter is positive, it will fly at the box office. The teaser and trailer of the movie have been exceptionally well-received. It has the potential to have a Rs 100-crore weekend if it clicks. Fans will remember that Siddharth Anand and Hrithik Roshan’s WAR opened with Rs 50 crores plus in 2019.
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Watch the trailer of Fighter here
Trade experts predict good start for Fighter
The film is expected to do well despite releasing on a working day. Producer and film business expert, Girish Johar told us that he felt that Fighter would take a good start. “The film can make anywhere between Rs 28 to 30 crores. The trailer has been very well received,” he said. The last film of Hrithik Roshan at the box office was Vikram Vedha. It made a little more than Rs 10. 5 crores. However, it was a remake of a hugely watched Tamil movie.
Fighter lower than most 2023 Bollywood biggies
In 2023, we had movies like Pathaan, Gadar 2, Jawan, Animal, Salaar which took really big opening at the box office. The promotions of Fighter started quite late. Siddharth Anand said in interviews that it took him time to process the huge opening that Pathaan got at the box office. If Fighter makes above Rs 25 crores then it will be close to the opening day figures of Shah Rukh Khan and Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki. The songs of Fighter have not picked up like Besharam Rang and Pathaan’s title number.
Fighter stars Anil Kapoor, Akshay Oberoi, Sanjeeda Shaikh and Karan Singh Grover along with the lead pair of Deepika Padukone and Hrithik Roshan.
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