Candidates appearing for competitive exams need to devise a strategy to excel in the exams with flying colours. The verbal section in competitive exams is not just important but also an easy way to score well in the exams if performed and prepared well.
Here’s a way to improve your vocabulary. Check out the words for the day and a small quiz to push yourself to improve your word power.
Recant (Verb)
Meaning: say that one no longer holds an opinion or belief
Example: He was forced by the Inquisition to recant this belief
Recede (Verb)
Meaning: go or move back or further away from a previous position
Example: She stood perfectly still, listening to his footsteps recede down the hall.
Recluse (Noun)
Meaning: a person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people
Example: She has turned into a virtual recluse
Recourse (Noun)
Meaning: a source of help in a difficult situation
Example: All three countries had recourse to the IMF for standby loans
Also Read: Vocabulary Made Easy series: Guide to excel in competitive exams
Put your thinking cap on and try to answer the following questions to understand how much you have grasped.
- “A means of solving disputes without _____________ to courts of law”. Which of the following words is the best fit in the space ( Recourse, Recant)
- Can you think of some synonyms for the word Recluse?
Watch out for this space for your weekly update on improving word power.
(Definitions and examples are from Oxford Languages)