Final Fantasy XVI, the latest installment in Square Enix’s long-running series, is out now on PS5. While in a lot of ways it is a big departure for the franchise with fast-paced, Devil May Cry-inspired combat and less emphasis on traditional RPG elements, some things never change in Final Fantasy, and the biggest icon of the series, Chocobos, makes it into this version as well. Chocobos serve as mounts in FF16, and you’re going to want to get a Chocobo mount.
How to get a Chocobo mount in Final Fantasy XVI
To get your Chocobo in Final Fantasy XVI, you must complete a side quest named “The White-Winged Wonder”, which is available after completing your first quest line at Martha’s Rest.
The quest is simple, as you’re tasked with tracking down the legendary Chocobo Whiteheart. Take out a group of bandits and you’ll eventually be rewarded with a whistle to summon Whiteheart.
Congratulations on getting your Chocobo mount!
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