Suicide Squad: Dream Team is an upcoming DC series that will follow a new Task Force X with superhero Dreamer in its ranks. The hero will be joined by Bizarro, Harley Quinn, and other DC villains. The new ongoing series, launching in March, features art from Eddy Barrows and Eber Ferreira. It is written by Nicole Maines, who many DC fans will recognize as the actress that portrayed a live-action Dreamer on CW’s Supergirl.
Dreamer Joins The Team
Throughout DC’s Titans: Beast World event, Amanda Waller has been keeping a close eye on the hero Dreamer. Now, it seems she is bringing the hero even closer by enlisting her as part of Task Force X. Suicide Squad: Dream Team will put Dreamer amongst a few of the Suicide Squad’s most popular members. While also bringing some new villains to the fold. This new team includes Harley Quinn, Bizarro, Clock King, Back Alice, and Deadeye.
Writer Nicole Maines is eager to go on this journey with Dreamer. The hero has not had an adventure like this before. This will be something new for fans to experience alongside Dreamer. Also, dealing with Amanda Waller and her new teammates will put things into perspective for the young hero. She will be forced to make some life and death decisions that show what kind of hero she really is. Plus, Maines is excited to work closely with Eddy and Eber to bring Dreamer and this new Squad to life.
Beast World
The DC Universe is currently in the midst of the Titans: Beast World event. This Titans comic crossover event is setting the stage for what is to come in 2024. Additionally, as part of the Dawn of DC storytelling event, Beast World comes from an all-star creative team of Tom Taylor and Ivan Reis. The event spawned a brand-new series, Titans: Beast World, and is stretching into other comics like Nightwing and Titans.
This event pushes Amanda Waller to ramp up her war against metahumans. She begins a crusade, alongside her anti-alien alliance, to take out metahumans by any means necessary. This puts her on a path to Lex Luthor and eventually to Dreamer and her Task Force X.
You can catch up with Dreamer and Waller in Titans: Beast World Tour Metropolis on sale now. Meanwhile, Suicide Squad: Dream Team is out on 3/12.