The company received nine bids mostly ranging between ₹500 crore and ₹700 crore to settle the total debt of the company which amounts to ₹14,000 crore, these people said. Jain’s bid includes some conditional payments linked to insurance claims filed by Rolta and also recoveries from certain fraudulent transactions by the erstwhile promoters, these people said.
Jain declined comment when reached through his office landline. An email sent to Jai Corp did not elicit a response till press time.
“Adjusting for these conditional payments, the bid is about ₹480 crore, which will have to be considered. Creditors will now analyse these bids and possibly try to look for enhanced recovery,” said a person familiar with the development. The bids are also close to the ₹600 crore offered by the government backed bad bank NARCL.
Kamal Singh-promoted Rolta is a defence-focused software company which was admitted to the bankruptcy process in January 2023. It owes banks led by Union Bank of India (UBI) a total of ₹7,100 crore and another ₹6,699 crore to unsecured foreign bond holders led by Citigroup.
“Jain’s bid of ₹725 crore is about 5% recovery on the total debt which is pretty poor but at 20% recovery on the ₹3,500 crore principal dues of the company it is worth some consideration. Of course, it is not a done deal and creditors will look to bargain hard and get the most of the bids,” said a second person aware of the details.