An old video of Varun Dhawan has resurfaced on Reddit, and it has not been going down so well with the netizens. The video shows Varun and his Main Tera Hero co-star, Nargis Fakhri, in the middle of an intimate scene while shooting for the film. We can see Varun continuing to hold Nargis in an embrace despite the director saying cut. This has also left the netizens quite unhappy, and they have been calling out the actor for it.
About The Throwback Video
The throwback BTS video from the set of Main Tera Hero shows Varun Dhawan not letting go of Nargis Fakhri despite the director’s yelling cut. He could be seen laughing out loud when he finally breaks off from the Rockstar actress. On the other hand, Nargis also does not look very uncomfortable and she too can be seen giggling along with the actor.
Netizens Troll Varun Dhawan After The Video Resurfacing
No sooner did the video resurface on Reddit than netizens started calling out Varun Dhawan. One of the netizens stated, “Creepy Dhawan. Being a professional actor should at least make you have a sense of boundaries. This guy is just a repeat offender and somehow gets away with it every time.”
A user said, “He behaved the same way with Kiara Advani in a photoshoot.” A netizen further wrote, “Creepy, Creepier, Creepiest.” A netizen added, “What a cheap guy.”
A netizen went on to say, “This guy really gives me the creep. I was watching an Insta video wherein he kissed Kiara Advani, and she looked genuinely shocked. I have seen other awkward moments with Kriti Sanon, Alia Bhatt, and Janhvi Kapoor too. And let’s not forget the stage incident with Gigi Hadid. Seems like he does not get the concept of boundaries and consent.”
Another user added, “Honestly, this makes me so happy that Baby John was a disaster. May his downfall continue until he learns the lesson of decency and decorum.”
Well, it seems like Varun Dhawan’s throwback video is earning him some brickbats. The actor was last seen in the film Baby John. However, the film failed to create wonders at the box office.
Take A Look At The Video
Varun didn’t want to let her go even after the director said cut so many times
byu/Dazzling_Complex5897 inBollyBlindsNGossip
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