Share of young intraday traders with age less than 30 years rose to 48 per cent in FY23 compared with 18 per cent in FY19, says Sebi survey.
Individual intraday trade numbers rose by 300 per cent between FY23 and FY19
Seven out of 10 (or 70 per cent) individual intraday traders in the equity cash segment have incurred losses in the financial year 2022-23, according to a study conducted by Sebi.
Individual intraday trade numbers rose by 300 per cent between FY23 and FY19, Sebi said in a press release on July 24.
Share of young intraday traders with age less than 30 years rose to 48 per cent in FY23 compared with 18 per cent in FY19, it added. The percentage of loss-makers among younger traders (age less than 30 years) was higher (76% in FY 2022-23) as compared to other age groups.
The study is based on a sample of individual clients of the top-10 stock brokers, accounting for around 86 per cent of the individual client count in the equity cash segment during FY 2022-23, according to Sebi’s press release.
(The story will be updated)