Tarot card: Reversed Ace of Wands
You’ve got a chance to do something important, but you’re not feeling quite ready for it yet. That’s okay! Sometimes, even when an opportunity comes knocking, you might not feel all fired up to grab it right away. It’s alright to wait until you feel more excited and motivated about it. You don’t have to rush things.
Tarot card: Two of Swords
Lots of things are happening around you, and it might feel a bit overwhelming. You’re getting a bunch of information, and it’s all new and maybe confusing. It’s like having to solve a puzzle without all the pieces yet. Take your time to understand everything. Don’t hurry to make a decision until you’ve figured out all the important stuff. Give yourself the time you need to sort things out properly.
Tarot card: reversed Justice
You’ve been trying really hard to fix a problem or make things better, but now it’s time to take a step back. Imagine you’ve done all you could to fix a broken toy. Now it’s time to let it sit for a while and see if it fixes itself. It might feel strange because you’re used to doing things to make stuff better, but sometimes just waiting and watching is the right thing to do.
Tarot card: Queen of Wands
Today might be a day where it’s better to listen more than talk. Even if you have some really smart things to say, it’s like having a secret that’s better kept for later. Your wisdom might not be as helpful if it’s shared at the wrong time. So, it might be best to wait for the perfect moment when your words will have the most impact.
Tarot card: Ten of Swords
It’s going to be a tough time for you, like when you have a big scratch that needs to heal. It’s going to hurt, and you won’t feel like your usual self for a while. It’s like going through a storm before seeing a rainbow. But this tough time is necessary for your heart to feel better in the end. It’s tough now, but things will get better slowly.
Tarot card: Two of Pentacles
It’s time to think about where you’re spending your money. Imagine having a piggy bank with some holes where your money keeps slipping out, but there’s another piggy bank where your money is growing. It’s like juggling between fixing the holes and filling up the growing bank. Take a look at what’s making you lose money and what could help you earn more.
Tarot card: Temperance
You don’t have to rush into making big decisions right now. Imagine having a bunch of different paths in front of you, and you’re trying to figure out which one is the best to walk on. Take your time, think about it, maybe write down all your choices. The right decision will come to you when you’re ready.
Tarot card: Queen of Cups
Even if you worry about not having enough, today’s a good day to be kind and giving. It’s like sharing your favorite toy with a friend even when you’re scared you won’t have it later. Trust that there’s always more good stuff coming your way when you’re kind to others.
Tarot card: Ten of Cups
You might feel like you have to do everything yourself to make sure it’s done perfectly. But sometimes, it’s okay to let others help, even if they make mistakes. It’s like teaching someone to ride a bike—they might wobble a bit, but they’ll learn, and you’ll become even closer.
Tarot card: Ten of Pentacles
If you’re in a loving relationship, good news! It might be growing into something really strong and lasting. It’s like watching a tiny seed grow into a huge, beautiful tree. Your relationship might be heading towards something really special, so enjoy the journey.
Tarot card: Five of Pentacles
Your health is super important, even if you have lots of work or things to do. It’s like when you’re building a tower of blocks and the bottom blocks start wobbling. You need to fix the bottom ones to keep the tower steady. Take care of yourself first so you can be there for others later.
Tarot card: Reversed Page of Pentacles
You might hear some sad news, but it’s not forever. It’s like having a storm pass through your day. It might feel gloomy and sad for a while, but remember, storms eventually pass, and the sun shines again. Sometimes, hearing bad news helps us figure out what needs fixing and what’s better left alone.