Competition Bureau investigating Lululemon over greenwashing allegations

Competition Bureau investigating Lululemon over greenwashing allegations

Canada’s Competition Bureau has opened a formal investigation into Lululemon’s environmental claims in its marketing campaigns, a spokesperson for the agency told CBC News on Monday. Marianne Blondin confirmed in an email that the Competition Bureau “has commenced an investigation under the Competition Act into the alleged deceptive marketing practices.” “There is no conclusion of wrongdoing at this time,” she wrote. “As the Bureau is … Read more

Even gardens have a carbon footprint. Here’s how to reduce the climate impact of urban farming

Even gardens have a carbon footprint. Here’s how to reduce the climate impact of urban farming

Urban gardening might seem fairly innocuous when it comes to its overall carbon footprint, but when compared to conventional agriculture, a study released earlier this year would suggest otherwise.  The study, published in January in the science journal Nature, found the carbon footprint of food from urban agriculture is six times greater than conventional agriculture. But there are … Read more

How the music business is putting a green spin on vinyl records

How the music business is putting a green spin on vinyl records

Vinyl records were once written off as relics. First, they were replaced by shiny compact discs that (supposedly) offered superior sound. Then streaming took over, allowing fans to carry vast music collections with them wherever they go. In recent years, vinyl sales have turned around. In 2022, vinyl outsold CDs in the U.S. for the first … Read more