Shanaya Kapoor turned up the fashion heat on Instagram by dropping a series of stunning photos that channel the glamorous vibes of Alia Bhatt’s character Rani Chatterjee from Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani. Dressed in a vibrant neon green saree with a shimmery golden blouse, Shanaya radiates elegance and sophistication. The diva revealed in the caption that her look was inspired by Alia’s character from RRKPK. To complement the saree’s hue, Shanaya opted for minimal accessories, just a pair of statement earrings. Her makeup was equally understated with a focus on glowing skin and neatly defined brows. The overall effect is striking and effortlessly chic. Have a look! Kajal Aggarwal Embodies Glamour in Sheer Saree With Sexy Blouse and Statement Neckpiece (See Pics).
Shanaya Kapoor Goes The Alia Bhatt Way:
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