In a recently released clip from her office, Hema Malini shared her excitement, saying, “I am coming to Ayodhya for the first time at the time of the ‘pranpratishtha’ of Ram Mandir for which people were waiting for years…On January 17, I’ll be presenting a dance drama based on Ramayana in Ayodhya Dham.”
Fans flooded the comment section, expressing their joy and admiration for the veteran actress. Comments such as “Forever beautiful” and “People waited so long for her too” echoed the anticipation of witnessing Hema Malini’s captivating performance. Another user chimed in, “How beautiful you are! Would love to watch you!”
Hema Malini’s artistic endeavors extend beyond the silver screen. Last November, she showcased her talent in a dance drama commemorating the 525th birth anniversary of Sant Mirabai in her Lok Sabha constituency. The actress-politician, having joined the Bharatiya Janata Party in 2003 and subsequently becoming a Rajya Sabha member, continues to balance her roles in both politics and entertainment.
The legacy of dance runs deep in Hema Malini’s family. As a trained Bharatanatyam dancer herself, she has passed on her passion to her daughters, Esha Deol and Ahana Deol, who are trained Odissi dancers. Together, they have graced charitable events with performances like Parampara and even participated in the esteemed Khajuraho Dance Festival.
While Hema Malini contributes to the political landscape, her commitment to the arts remains unwavering. Her upcoming dance drama in Ayodhya adds a cultural and artistic dimension to the significant event of the Ram Mandir consecration. As the nation eagerly awaits this unique blend of tradition and entertainment, Hema Malini’s performance promises to be a highlight, immortalizing the tales of the Ramayana in a captivating artistic form.