Recently, an old video featuring Twinkle’s father, Rajesh Khanna, garnered started doing rounds on social media. In the video, Rajesh Khanna humorously remarks about Akshay, jesting, “At this age, our son-in-law sings a lot.Sometimes he acts like Bhool Bhulaiyaa, sometimes he acts like Hera Pheri, Hera Pheri 2. He does a lot of antics. He’s quite the Hera Pheri guy.”
The legendary actor humorously shares his thoughts on Akshay Kumar and Twinkle’s relationship, offering playful advice. He jokingly advises Twinkle to keep an eye on Akshay but not to exert too much control, quipping, “Keep a check on him, but don’t pull the reins too tight that they break.”
Jolly LLB 3: Akshay Kumar and Arshad Warsi start shooting in Ajmer; duo offers a sneak peek
Earlier this year, Twinkle Khanna accomplished a significant milestone by graduating with a Masters in Fiction Writing from Goldsmiths, University of London. In celebration of her achievement, Akshay Kumar, her husband, expressed his utmost support by sharing a joyful photo of the two on social media and writing a heartfelt message.
Akshay praised Twinkle and wrote, “Two years ago, when you told me you wanted to take up studies all over again, I wondered if you meant it. But the day I saw you work so hard and perfectly manage a full-fledged student life along with home, career, me, and kids, I knew I had married a superwoman.”