There are numerous items for you to grab as you playthrough Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s The Indigo Disk. One evolution item you need to hunt down is called Metal Alloy, and it’s important for one of the new Pokemon arriving in the DLC to evolve into its final form.
You’re going to find Metal Alloy in a specific location, and tracking it down could take a bit of time. Thankfully, we’ve been able to narrow down the exact place you need to go, so you can go straight there and get it yourself. However, it might take you a bit of time if you don’t have any reserved resources. Here’s what you need to know about how to get Metal Alloy in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s The Indigo Disk.
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Where to Find Metal Alloy in The Indigo Disk
The only way to get Metal Alloy is by visiting the School Store in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet’s The Indigo Disk. Here, you’ll find it in the shop inventory, and it will cost 300 BP for you to buy it, which means you need to earn these points by making your way around Blueberry Academy.
The way you get BP, also known as Blueberry Points, are what you get for completing quests after you finish the first class in The Indigo Disk. You will have to work your way through the main story of The Indigo Disk to begin unlocking it, which means you’re better off going through the various classes and tests presented to you at the Blueberry Academy.
It might take you a bit of time to get through this, and I’ve been struggling with some of the battles presented in the main story. They’re not entirely challenging, but they’re putting me to the test, making sure I’m ready to tackle further challenges that The Indigo Disk has waiting for me. Needless to say, gathering up 300 BP will take you a bit of time, but it’s all about story progression and exploring the new region.
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You may want to grab some of the other items on this vendor, such as the Electirizer or the Magmarizer, for some of the other Pokemon you’ll discover in The Indigo Disk. There are multiple evolution items that did not come in the base game, and we’re excited to see them all in the same place at the School Store at Blueberry Academy in Pokemon S&V’s The Indigo Disk.