“Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal filed an application for seven-day interim bail at the Rouse Avenue Court. He sought an extension to the bail for his health check-ups, because during his ED custody, he lost 6-7 kg of his weight. Such sudden and unexplained weight loss is an indicator of several serious diseases. Not just this, his ketone level has reached a critical level. His sugar level is on a continuous spike,” she said.
Atishi claimed that Kejriwal’s doctors have advised him to undergo tests for cancer, kidney ailments and heart related issues.
“Why is ED opposing his interim bail plea? Why is the BJP opposing it? I want to ask BJP and ED, ‘Why are you opposing Kejriwal’s tests?’ I want to ask them, ‘What did you do to Kejriwal that he experienced unexplained weight loss?'” she said.
A Delhi court on Thursday issued a notice to the ED on Kejriwal’s plea seeking regular bail in a money laundering case related to the alleged excise scam.
Special Judge Kaveri Baweja directed the central probe agency to file its response to Kejriwal’s plea by Saturday. The judge also sought the ED’s response on another plea of Kejriwal seeking interim bail for a week on medical grounds in case the regular bail plea is not allowed.