Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin recently witnessed a flow of new characters as the show underwent a big leap. Shakti Arora and many others marked their exit from the show, while Hitesh Bharadwaj and many more marked their entry. Bhavika Sharma is the one who got retained. Now, the story of Ghum Hai Kiskey Pyaar Meiin is all about Savi and Rajat played by Bhavika and Hitesh. Amayra Khurana plays the role of Sai, Rajat’s daughter in the show. Sai is the one who will bring Savi and Rajat together. In a recent interview, Bhavika Sharma spoke about her bond with her little co-star.
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In an interview with Filmibeat, Bhavika Sharma boasted about the bond that she shares with Amayra Khurana. She stated that little Sai is the means of joy and happiness on the sets of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin. She added that now their world revolves around Amayra and she has got so habitual with her presence that she feels that whatever time spend with her is less. She was quoted saying, “Amayra is the source of happiness and is someone who enlightens our lives not only in the show but in real life as well, and with each new day, our bond has become stronger and more adorable.”
On social media, there are tons of videos and pictures that show that Bhavika and Amayra share a very good bond. Amayra’s cuteness is adorable and Bhavika truly loves being around her.
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Currently, the story of Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin has taken a new turn. It is now about the custody battle of Sai. Rajat Thakkar is dealing with his past trauma of a failed marriage. That is the reason why he isn’t being able to strike a connect with his daughter. He has immersed himself into his work and is always busy. Savi on the other hand has grown extremely fond of Sai and wants her to have a good life. Thus the matter has reached court. Sai’s real mother Aashka has also marked her return.
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