Actor Akansha Ranjan Kapoor, who was recently seen in a cameo in Alia Bhatt’s Jigra, is preparing for a Diwali unlike any other. Currently filming for an upcoming web series, she recently traveled to Chhattisgarh to begin the project, meaning her Diwali festivities will take a back seat during the day. However, she has arranged to return to Mumbai by the evening to spend quality time with her family, balancing work commitments with festive traditions to make the most of the occasion.

After cameo in Jigra, Akansha Ranjan Kapoor begins to shoot for upcoming web show in Chhattisgarh

After cameo in Jigra, Akansha Ranjan Kapoor begins to shoot for upcoming web show in Chhattisgarh

Reflecting on her unique situation, Akansha expressed mixed feelings about being away during such a special time. She said, “I will definitely miss my family during the preparations for Diwali, but I’ve managed to arrange my schedule to be home by the evening. It’s a bittersweet feeling—I feel blessed to be doing what I love most, which is my work. At the same time, I cherish the moments spent with my loved ones, especially during the festivities.”

In addition to her current projects, Akansha is excited about her South debut in MaayaOne, where she stars opposite Sundeep Kishan.

Also Read: From Ananya Panday to Alaya F to Akansha Ranjan Kapoor: Take cues from these new age Bollywood divas for a perfect Diwali look


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